You Dirty Dish Rag You
[gallery link="file"] I am weaving the last towel on a 6-yard towel warp using my new love, Brassard 16/2 cottolin. I wound a warp with three somewhat desaturated colors: lilac, pale blue and periwinkle. I wanted soft, absorbent towels so I
Natural Woman
[gallery link="file" columns="2"] Two projects off the looms today - both in naturally-colored yarns. The left scarf is a deflected double weave (really?) in silk and handspun bfl. The right is a scarf in 40/2 linen in an 8-shaft huck. The
Parlez Vous
[gallery link="file"] I had the opportunity to take a little trip with my husband (without the kids!) up to Quebec City this week. It was just about a 6-hour drive through some beautiful New Hampshire and Vermont countryside. We had been
Back to the Loom • On Opposites
[gallery link="file"] It seems appropriate that the first project I have woven since June (?) is an Overshot on Opposites because being back in the studio feels like the OPPOSITE of what I have been doing all summer which is not
NEWS news
Well NEWS is over, and with the exception of doing the final accounting, writing my report, finding new Guild Reps - I am done!!!! I am going to write a little about the high and low lights just to re
Vested Interest
[gallery link="file" columns="2"] We are having fun dressing my son for college. His little brother has been drawing great characters that we have printed on tee-shirts. I have now woven and sewn a vest and tie for him to go with
Honey – Honey
[gallery link="file"] So the experimental honeycomb is washed and dried and ready to be sewn into a fabulous tailored vest ( hope). I really like the look and feel of this fabric - even if it is not a conventional honeycomb.
[gallery link="file" columns="2"] Since recovering from jet lag and euro/dollar exchange-rate trauma (I think they should have a therapist available as you come through customs . . .) I have been trying to develop a couple of projects. My 9-year-old niece
Okay, Not a Thread
[gallery link="file"] Not a thread have I woven - or knitted - or sewn- or drafted since I finished the commissioned mohair burburry-ish throw. What I have done is pretty interesting. After the Loomis show, and my big son’s graduation, I
Finally Finished
Since all time, energy, brain space, etc has been used for our Guild’s weaving show, my son’s graduation, my looming trip to Germany and pre-preparation for NEWS, this blanket, which I’ve just finished hemming, is what I have spread out
The Process
[gallery link="file" columns="2"] I have a few minutes before I have to feed the troops and head for my little son’s school performance. I don’t have much weaving news - unless you want to hear about weaving-related organizational tasks and chores
The Story of a Warp
[gallery link="file"] I apologize for being a bad blogger - too many threads in the warp . . . the warp of life is tangled . . . the selvedges are drawing in . . . anyway, I’d appreciate some better