Fast, furious, plain weave therapy
I had to get up from the loom in the house on which the tapestry bug is growing very slowly and RUN to my studio in the barn, sit at my 8-shaft floor loom and weave 5 yards of plain
News of the Loom(s)
[gallery link="file" columns="2"] The “inch by inch - row by row” ditty describing the slow and patience-testing process of growing a garden now seems too speedy to describe the pick by pick cm by cm tapestry “growing” process. I am pleased
Study in Contrast
[gallery link="file" columns="2"] The scarf on the left is a merino and silk/mohair “fun” project and the WIP on the right is my “exercise in expectation management” tapestry project. Andy Warhol said, “Art is hard” which I don’t doubt, but tapestry
“I look at what I write (make) so I can see what I think.” W.H Auden
The beginning of the END!!
[gallery link="file" columns="2"] Firstly, Happy New Year! I hope 2012 has begun well for everyone. We had an out-with-the-old bonfire that brought the wild thing out in the kids and was a great start for 2012 (except for the bleary 3 am
Cookie Factory 2011
[gallery link="file" columns="2"] Wishing You Happiness and Peace in the New Year!
‘Tis the season
[gallery link="file" columns="2"] This year we went to cut our tree without the “big kids” - I just realized that with a soon-to-be 21, 19 and 12-year-old, I can’t really call the older ones the “big kids” or the younger the
Apron Again
[gallery link="file"] So, I have been documenting the Apron Project in a step-by-step way, and it has been interesting. In part because I think my process is usually “unmethodical” if that is a word. The mysterious part is that I complete
[gallery link="file"] I am working on putting together a program for my guild called “Apron Strings”. It will be a how-to make your own apron from scratch, i.e. weave the fabric, bias cut a binding, weave a strap (don’t judge me
[gallery link="file"] The last project (except tapestry - yikes!) for the Master Weaver Certificate is hanging to dry above. I really like it. It is bamboo deflected doubleweave tied onto the previous green/lilac warp. I improved the project by simplifying the
Why oh why??
[gallery link="file"] I just got this piece off the loom and it is hanging to dry. It is a deflected doubleweave shawl in 16/2 bamboo from Brassard et Fil in Quebec. It is 25 inches wide and 80 ish long. It
[gallery link="file"] One of the best things about holidays is how good it feels to go back to the studio afterwards. Even though I had a great holiday spent with immediate & extended family (the only major disappointments/disasters were the absence