One of the best things about holidays is how good it feels to go back to the studio afterwards. Even though I had a great holiday spent with immediate & extended family (the only major disappointments/disasters were the absence of my older son who had too much school work to join us and my melting of a blob of plastic wrap on my parents-in-law’s pristine stove just minutes before we were due to leave – doh!) I was still so happy to see my pile of projects awaiting my return.
The above are the singles linen project for the Master Weaver Certificate. I ordered some natural 8/1 linen from Woolgatherers (great, fast service) and threaded the loom in a 8-shaft honeycomb from Strickler. I wove the Honeycomb using the 8/1 as outline weft along with a 16/1 singles for the cell centers. The other pillows use the 8/1 as weft as well. I then enjoyed myself for several hours on YouTube watching some great tutorials on mitered flanges, invisible zippers, making bias tape for welting, etc. What a treasure trove. I am a little afraid because I could just sit for hours and learn how to:
play guitar
upholster a chair
apply make-up
make a quilt
pick a lock
make challah bread . . . . .