If At First You Don’t Succeed, Cry, Cry Again
I have been happily working in my studio for the last couple months, weaving for various projects while teaching Beginning Weaving to a great bunch of soon-to-be-fanatics. The parameters of the projects have pushed me into using some fibers and structures that I haven’t often worked with – exciting! and rife with pitfalls, errors and do-overs. One project was successful in structure /yarn combo, but wrong for the color story and had to be rewoven using a different palette.
One was a familiar structure but a new singles knitting yarn that threw fits at the sett I wanted to use and had to be cut off and re-sleyed resulting in a pair of large (and expensive) sett samples.
One was a wonderful structure/fiber combo that had a weirdly unfortunate color clash resulting in a color that seems to be the color I get when I am thinking of a serene de-saturated pink, and that my husband has taken to calling “ace bandage”.
And one that I am excited about but that I cannot control my beat on . . . may be a sett issue. It is a kind of windowpane design except that all my “panes” are turning out to be slightly different sizes . . .
And finally, one (third iteration on the loom now) that I really liked, but caused me some float worry, and selvedge dissatisfaction.
I substituted a wool for the blue outlines that I believed would full a little more, and I eliminated the floating selvedges. I happily wove away on the second try, liking the selvedges much more
and thinking that the outline floats were stabler . . . .
Until I took it off the loom and looked at the back:
What the . . . ? I was so focussed on the selvedge/yarn choice fixes that I mis-treadled the whole flipping shawl! Sigh – number three is on the loom now, and I am trying and crying again!
Despite the struggles on my multi-shaft looms, I got some balmy projects off the rigid heddle loom. Using some fab knitting yarns in the warp and very fine weft, I wove a couple of drapey, soft, easy-to-weave projects that served to keep me from loomy despair.
You’re making me feel better about my own weaving. Recently, I wove a scarf in 8-shaft plaited twill, because I’d never done a plaited twill before. I chose some “interesting” yarns out of my stash, and now I have a lovely scarf-shaped sample of an 8-shaft plaited twill, perfect for upholstery, not so much for a scarf. Oopsie.
Elisabeth Hill
It us good to share the not-so-smooth weaving experiences we all (right?) have – kinda like seeing the airport-with-small-kids-and-luggage pix behind the “smiling family on vacation” pictures. . . And I happen to like scarves that double as weapons

So now we know… the culprit was Lisa in the Loom Room with a Lead scarf…!
Elisabeth Hill
Scott Hanratty
You pulled beauty out of all of this! What is the fab knitting yarn on the ridged heddle loom and the thin weft? I really like the colors and the fading on that project. Such inspiration! -Scott
Elisabeth Hill
Thanks Scott! I’ll have to get back to you on the names (I’m teaching in MC at the moment), but which one?The black to gray or the shades of tan? Thanks for the comment!
Wow!! I have been feeling like I should just give up and everything is just nothing but a learning curve. Have only been at it for a few months but after reading your great blog I’ll keep at it. I have knitted, crocheted, quilted, macramed etc for over 50 years and excelled at it but weaving has humbled me. Thank you
Elisabeth Hill
Hi Shari, Weaving is a steep learning curve, but every “failure” is a big step forward in “making a weaver”. And all your other fiber experiences will come back to help you as you proceed. Good luck, I’m so glad you’re sticking with it

Crying is cathartic.
Elisabeth Hill