Languishing Looms • Dusty Dimity • Back-Burnered Blog
I feel terrible that my blog has gone unattended for so long. When I logged on today, there were over 100 spam(s)? to be removed. It sort of feels like an untended garden. The weeds have taken over and the healthy plants (comments, ideas, images) have languished.
I have some good excuses though . . . and because my weaving has been similarly neglected (no pictures except the little nest of small projects above – so sad) I will innumerate them: end of school-year frenzy for my youngest son; oldest daughter bought her first home (apt.) and much moving ensued; parent’s-in-law sold their home and much moving ensue(s)d; middle son moved out of dorms and into his first apartment . . . and much moving ensued. And I am just beginning what (I hope) will be a nice run as one of the technical editors at Handwoven Magazine . . . much editing ensued. So, my dimity is dusty, my blog has been back burnered and my looms are languishing.
I am really looking forward to some serious project weaving when the dust settles. I want that dimity off the loom and on the sewing machine. I have been very inspired by working on other weavers’ projects in Handwoven. It is a funny experience to be going over and over someone’s sewing instructions and get really itchy sewing fingers. I want to do that!
Check out the great book plates my print-maker son made for me!! I love them so much I can’t stand to paste them in my books. Although my son did assure me that one of the good things about print-making is that he can print more:)
In any case, I am hoping to get back on the loom and have some weaving projects to talk about here and some time to check out what all my weaving buds are doing on their blogs.
We’ve missed you; went looking the other day to see if I’d missed a post.
What a lot of change your family has gone through. Its hard work shifting them.
How exciting being a Handwoven editor and seeing the magazine first. Enjoy the last of the dimity weaving.
Lots of stuff going on with you right now… no wonder the blog got a bit of neglect.
So far I haven’t dipped into Handwoven because I’ve been on a Vav Magazine binge, but I reckon I’ll get onto Handwoven soon.
It’s good to see you back
Elisabeth Hill
Great to hear from you Claire – and many apologies for the delayed reply. This time I had to dig through 300 spams before I got to your comment. Even though it might be disloyal – I LOVE VAV. It is such a beautiful, inspiring magazine. It really makes me want to take a weaving odyssey to Sweden!
Anyway, thanks for your patience. I am hoping to have some actual projects in process after the NEWS Conference in early July
How is the new(ish) loom? I will jump over to check out your blog now . . .
Marlene Toerien
It is really unsettling to have children move out and on with their lives, it is 7 months since my daughter moved out, but I am only now settling down to daily weaving. And I am preparing to accept a big change in my life as my husband is planning are retiring next April.
Marlene T.
Elisabeth Hill
Wow! You have some major LIFE happening too. It is very unsettling to experience those major shifts even if they ultimately increase one’s weaving time. I apologize for the belated reply – I still haven’t got back into a weaving/blogging routine. I am hoping to get back in the weaving saddle in mid-July. In the mean time, I am living vicariously through my weaving friends. Anything interesting on your loom? :))
It’s good to see you back. Congratulations on the Handwoven gig. It seems like a perfect job for you! I’ve just re-subscribed, as my guild was raving about the last issue. I hope that the coming days give you plenty of “you time”.
Elisabeth Hill
Thanks Laurie! I hope you are happy with your re-subscription. It is strange to feel some ownership even though I have no control/input over any content. I will be happy to field any questions/complaints about drafting/pattern errors though:))