
Diminishing Dimity

The dimity warp is diminishing as the dimity fabric grows!Dimity Beginning 1

Several things have come to my attention as I wove today.  One is . . . now I remember why my beloved mostly black wardrobe got shelved . . . every flying fiber visibly embeds itself into this black fabric.  I guess flying animal hair is a more apparent sign of Spring in our house than the fragrant lilacs (I am blaming spring shedding rather then face all-season lax housekeeping).

Another issue is  . . . I seem to be shrinking – bummer! I don’t use my big Harrisville rug loom as much as I used to.  I wove miles of mohair throws on it before I got my AVL.  I am tall, and the 60″ width wasn’t much of a problem, neither was the fixed bench height which places the weavers body over the fabric as one weaves.  Again, this wasn’t a problem before . . . now it is a sadly comic sight to see myself throw the shuttle and slide my bum back and forth across the bench to catch, then reach down to treadle with my tip toes.  Has anyone ever seen the Laurel and Hardy short “Brats”?



sort of like that.

A little progress

Finally, I became re-aware of how much I love Dimity. Thanks Ute!  It really is a miracle structure.  The side facing up in the picture is the back side.  The ribs are composed of threading blocks that weave plain weave next to blocks that weave intermittent plain weave.  Meaning that the weft weaves in those blocks twice and then floats twice.  So it is not a reversible structure, but it is so textural and can also be woven as honeycomb for an even more textured surface.

Dimity beginning 2


  • May 15, 2013

    Dimity… I’ve gotta look it up, it sounds scrumptious!

  • June 21, 2014

    Susan Johnson

    Do you know where I can find info on dimity? I have looked all over and it seems to be difficult to find. I would like to study the structure and weave some of it.

    • November 4, 2019


      Hello. Could you please pass on the info for Dimity to me?

  • August 14, 2014

    Susan Johnson

    Thank you so much! I would love to weave this. (I also don’t check my communications very often, hence this late reply)

  • January 19, 2015



    Is it possible to get the information on Dimity. Your description sounds lovely! I would love to learn more about this weave structure!

      • September 26, 2017

        Hi I am a weaver in Chicago who used to live in Amherst Ma. I love your blog and I’m very interested in learning more about dimity. If you have any info you could send me, I’d be grateful.

  • June 2, 2015

    Sheri Twork

    I also would love to learn more about dimity from Ute Bargmann! (I read your enticing bio blurb in my Handwoven magazine that came in the mail today, and went searching on Google to see what I could find!). Our guild is working on a project to bring to life (weave) the antique drafts collected by our first guild president (the drafts probably date from the 1840s and 1850s and are from Grayson and Carroll county, Virginia). Some of the drafts are labeled as dimity. I was wondering what kinds of treadling was used? We are starting with tromp as writ, but would appreciate other clues to move forward with!


  • January 15, 2016



    I am looking for more information on Dimity too! My new guild did a study group on textured weaves and one of the ladies did a Dimity scarf. The scarf was really stunning. She doesn’t have much information – just what is from Mary Meigs Atwater, but I would love to know more.

    Ngaire from Dustbunnies under my Loom

  • September 28, 2017


    I stumbled across an image of Dimity on Pinterest and am very inspired to learn more. I am wondering if you might be able to share some of the information and drafts you have gathered?



  • September 28, 2018

    Shirley Dossett

    Hello I have been looking for information on Dimity or Dimity cord when I came across your blog..Would love any info.

  • January 2, 2020


    Greetings! Are the Dimity docs still available? If so, I’d very much appreciate the chance to see them. Thanks so much! Leslie

  • January 23, 2021

    Olena Orenchak

    Hi Elizabeth. I’m very interested in learning dimity technique. Would you be kind to send me Ute doc also. Thanks in advance. Olena

  • May 28, 2024


    Hello, sorry to be yet another request for info in Dimity. I have joined a group of weavers here in New Zealand and we have a challenge to learn about and weave some Dimity. I would really appreciate any help that I can get. Cheers Yvonne Smith

      • May 29, 2024


        That would be awesome. My email is So far I have found a book published in the 1700’s. I had heard of Dimity but only as a fabric so I am looking forward to weaving some. Thanks in advance. Yvonne