The Bad News or the Good News?
Drat! The bad news is “Broken” washed into a nice (but not too interesting) alternating-tilted-boxes diagonal pattern, completely losing the interlocking square motif I was so excited about.
But . . . the good news is that I quickly put on another warp – this time in 8/2 cottolin @ 24 epi instead of 20/2 wool @ 30 epi – using a variation of the previous draft which is DDW threaded using a broken twill as a profile draft.
Let’s hope that it remains interesting through the washing and drying process.
The OTHER good news is that while the kids are at camp tomorrow, I am sneaking off to my own version of summer camp – a one-day intensive tablet weaving immersion session led by my oft-mentioned mentor and friend, Ute Bargmann. The Fairy Godmother of New England weavers and fellow Ute groupie, Barbara Hurley, will be our host. The owner of Westfield Yarns and our guild’s President emeritus, Kathy Furst Coache will be there along with jack-of-all-crafts and master-of-many Mary Lou Splain. We will have a great time!
More pics of “Interlocked” washed and dried soon – along with some stunning tablet-woven samples (let’s hope).
Oooh, Ohhhh. I love that second one
and I REALLY love idea of a tablet weaving class!
Elisabeth Hill
I loved the tablet weaving too – we warped and wove on a 2″X4″s and c-clamps – cheap weaving – who knew.
Wish I could join the tablet weaving group. My cards have sat so long the address on the envelop they came in has bleached off in the sun! Your DDW adventures are so much fun. One day I’ll get to it.
Elisabeth Hill
Hey Dianne,
I wish you could have joined us!! It was a wonderful experience. Ute gave us 10 variations we could weave with 12 cards and one threading. I will post pictures, but glorious my band is not! Lots of practice needed.
Hi from French Burgondy ! I want to say that i m impressed by your work on DDW ! I am myself exploring the possibilities of it , i lov this one and i would line to know how many shafts did you use to weave it ? Thx for your answer , Patrick
Elisabeth Hill
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for the comment and be careful with deflected double weave, before you know it, years will have passed . . . It was woven on 8 shafts using a 4-shaft broken twill as a profile. Many happy adventures.