So, I guess my whining about WordPress spam jinxed me – so my whole site went nutty today and I lost my last post and all the comments. Sorry!!
Another possible karmic turn was when I was hubristically drafting a post about a first (for me) of winding, warping and weaving a four-yard warp in one day:
As I was writing, the dogs started whining so I took them on a walk, slipped on a tiny patch of ice and ended up driving myself to the emergency room to have my knee flesh stitched back – ewww!
I did want to point out the contrast in draw-in in the plain weave portions and the def dw portion of the warp though.
So now I am hobbling around looking forlornly at my treadle looms and thanking my lucky stars for my lovely inkle.
Ouch, poor you. No vacuuming either.
Ooooo, poor you! Hope it heals up fast.
Elisabeth Hill
Thanks for the sympathy – every little bit helps:)) I hadn’t thought of the side benefits of no vacuuming, shoveling or trash hauling . . .
Kim In SB
Argh!!!! What a way to start the new year, Lisa!! Rest up, read good books, let others wait on you!
Love your long warp and your lovely fringes from your lost post. Heal fast, we’ll go through withdrawals without seeing your wonderful creations!!
Elisabeth Hill
Thanks Kim! I imagine this kind of thing doesn’t happen in SUNNY CALI – stupid ice!! Anyway, stitches out in two days and I feel like (don’t know if the Doc will agree) treadling might be just the healing therapy . . .
Barbara Hurley
Sorry about the knee, Lisa. That just shows you what happens when one decides to forgo all other duties to set a personal world record to warp, thread and weave. May you find peace and patience as you heal. Hope the dogs are okay.
Elisabeth Hill
Thanks Barbara,
Tiny taste of the frustration that some of my weaving buds have felt in the recent past:) Missed you at Guild – Arthur and Dorrie’s new Gbaby Violet were high on the hot topics list. We need to get the WWW together soon – miss you all!
I hope you heal quickly. And I cannot imagine winding, warping and weaving all that in one day…. amazin!
I am happy to have found your blog. Your weaving is always an inspiration and I must say I love your taste in slippers as I am wearing the same pair.:)
Elisabeth Hill
So glad you visited Angela! Sheep slippers and mohair socks . . . do we detect a theme???