Fails & Saves & Band Aids
Hubris and the allure of Cowboy Magic got the best of me and I wound a 57” wide warp at 45 epi with two layers of wool and one layer of mohair. I fought valiantly to thread and beam it . . . started “weaving” and got about five inches of excruciating triple weave before I gave up, snipped out the mohair layer and breathed a sig of relief. The ghostly halo of mohair (smelling sweetly of Cowboy Magic) is still haunting the weaving of the double layer blanket (above on the loom) by hairily sticking the sheds together.
The purple and blue scarf was a quick and easy project I needed as a balm to ease my blanket wounds. I used some beautifully hand-dyed merino sock yarn (Kangaroo Dyer) along with some mill-end wool for the warp and some stashy malabrigo merino lace for the wefts. It is soo soft, but I wish I had had some more purpley/less navy wool for the dark warp.
Finally, the green and terra cotta scarf is formerly the yellow and orange “candy corn” bamboo scarf that I over-dyed with Rit. It is a 8-shaft double weave huck experiment that made use of some unfortunate stash colors, but has been somewhat band-aided by Rit.