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I have a few non-weaving related items to talk about. One is the Degas and the Nude show at the MFA in Boston. We saw the show on Sunday and have been talking about it ever since. It is absolutely not a show of familiar Degas dancers and horse races. It is also (sheepishly) a show to think twice about seeing with your 12-year-old and your elderly in-laws. Oops. The show is interesting and disturbing and has some color work that will inspire and floor you. For a wonderful and way-smarter-than-I-can-offer analysis I am attaching the following link:

I also recently found a very funny site that has a list (with audio clips) of the top 100 classical pieces that you don’t know you know, but know because of cartoons. Think Bugs Bunny and the Barber of Seville. We had a great time listening to the clips and remembering scenes from our distant but still vivid cartoon viewing days.

And finally, if you are interested in the insanely inspiring color, check out David Hockney’s website:

Can you tell that I am finding talking about my inch a day tapestry progress no fun?