News of the Loom(s)
The “inch by inch – row by row” ditty describing the slow and patience-testing process of growing a garden now seems too speedy to describe the pick by pick cm by cm tapestry “growing” process. I am pleased with my progress, but very unsure as I proceed because I am making decisions “on the fly” that I won’t really be able to judge as good or bad until inches (days, weeks) later. Hard to believe that something so slooow could be nerve-wracking . . . I keep imaging talking to a stunt-person or trapeze artist and saying, “Yeah, I know how you feel – those split-second tapestry decisions . . .”
In the studio I have some more cottolin yardage for another apron with the complementary inkle band being woven in the evenings. I like this inkle band. It is a warp of either 8/2 cottolin or 16/2 doubled and a 3/2 cotton weft. Some of the bands in the color arrangement remind me of tiny cowrie shells.
Finally, all 22 of my submitted projects were accepted!!! So, other than twill and overshot drawdowns (by hand, on graph paper – which is why I haven’t done them) the tapestry is the LAST of the projects!!! It is sort of like empty nest syndrome – so excited by the prospect of finishing while being very nervous about not have such a strict deadline structure moving me along.