Liking Links
I have a few non-weaving related items to talk about. One is the Degas and the Nude show at the MFA in Boston. We saw the show on Sunday and have been talking about it ever since. It is absolutely
Fast, furious, plain weave therapy
I had to get up from the loom in the house on which the tapestry bug is growing very slowly and RUN to my studio in the barn, sit at my 8-shaft floor loom and weave 5 yards of plain
News of the Loom(s)
[gallery link="file" columns="2"] The “inch by inch - row by row” ditty describing the slow and patience-testing process of growing a garden now seems too speedy to describe the pick by pick cm by cm tapestry “growing” process. I am pleased
Study in Contrast
[gallery link="file" columns="2"] The scarf on the left is a merino and silk/mohair “fun” project and the WIP on the right is my “exercise in expectation management” tapestry project. Andy Warhol said, “Art is hard” which I don’t doubt, but tapestry
“I look at what I write (make) so I can see what I think.” W.H Auden
The beginning of the END!!
[gallery link="file" columns="2"] Firstly, Happy New Year! I hope 2012 has begun well for everyone. We had an out-with-the-old bonfire that brought the wild thing out in the kids and was a great start for 2012 (except for the bleary 3 am