I just sent the sample for “Dotty” to my niece. It is Summer & Winter on the same threading as the Bee Blanket and the Little Houses Blanket. The tie up/treadling is simplified into the ”brick” style of S & W mainly because I didn’t want any trouble at the selvedges using the fly shuttle. In the Houses blanket I tried the dukagang style, multiple twill tie-downs, etc. which are very attractive, but the pattern shuttle is often thrown through the same shed multiple times creating trouble at the selvedges. A floating selvedge would take care of this without an issue except when I use the fly shuttle. I really need a selvedge threading that would allow me to use any S & W variation AND my fly shuttle without getting nasty selvedges. Help!
The black and grey color scheme is my niece’s choice. I really like it, and now I just want to weave in black and grey – particularly after the trauma of the Pepto Scarf (see below)
My Crackle project has hit a hitch that is annoying me. I need to do my crackle project on a heavy COLORED warp (masters requirement) which means 5/2 cotton or 10/2 linen. I did a sample on cotton, but I LOVE the sample that I did on 10/2 linen. I think it would be beautiful on unbleached linen, but it has to be colored. There are infinite choices of colored linen in 20/2, 16/2, 20/2, 40,2, etc., but alas and of course 10/2 colored linen is hard to come by. I was confident that I could get black 10/2 linen at WEBS, but like so many of the weaving yarns it used to carry, WEBS seems to be ending its 10/2 colored linen line – just magenta and green left. I am going to scan the weaving horizon a little further before I make a final decision.