Tough tufting – loopy looping
Another Masters project semi-completed. This is the tufting/looping project (ultimately to be a pillow top). My idea was that it would be interesting to use an overshot draft as a template for looping/tufting. Typically a design is graphed out and the looping is created on a plain weave web. Because overshot is blocks of pattern on a plain weave base – I thought it would provide a stable and “pre-graphed” design. It actually worked. The design is somewhat obscured (see photo of back of fabric), but I like the “fuzzy” aspect it gives the overshot design. What I don’t like in this project is the color and the purple stripe. The plain weave base is chocolate brown which doesn’t read at all. I wish I had chosen a deep orange. I added the purple for some visual interest, but it breaks up the gradation of the design. I don’t think I will revisit this project – perhaps I can enhance the color choices with the pillow backing/edging.
I am also continuing to work on the “scary coat.” I had to walk away from the prototype coat and re-sew a muslin for fitting. I will have another meeting with my guru next week when she will help me mark the muslin for an exact fit. In the meantime I have to wind the 6-yard-60” warp for the actual fabric. After messing around with the draft I was able to get it to 14-shafts so that I can leave shaft 15 and 16 un threaded in hopes of avoiding the errors I have been battling with.