I am in the studio working away – about 60” into the Polly 2 Re-do. I will finish tomorrow and am contemplating what to do about my soon to be nude looms. I really want to try a mock leno/canvas weave blanket (again), but I think I want to dye the yarn for it so I am waiting for my dye-day on the 23rd. I also want to make a collapse weave scarf in some 3/8 wool I have in my stash. I have to read up because I want to do a 1/3-3/1 twill, but wonder if the 3/8 is too heavy for the collapse to happen. Anyone?
Anyway the photo above is of a partially completed sweater that I am determined to finish and get off my UFO list. I joined a local knitting group to force myself to work through the 5 or 6 incomplete knitting projects I have recently dug out. One is a sweater – complete except for 1.5 arms – for my youngest – he will be too big for it if I don’t finish it soon.
Another is a scarf designed to match a (then new) handbag now close to wearing out – hurry!