The Tale of the Tree
I got up early to work on the mohair scarf before the whippersnappers were up. Because today is the TREE DAY. I tried to convince my wonderful husband to take the boys and pick the tree out themselves so I could work out my differences with the mohair. He would have none of it. Probably because that is what he did last year, and I was not nice about the resultant pitiful “charlie brown” tree. So, off to the tree farm we went, and we got a beautiful, full, plumpy balsam that smells delicious. Check out the strange bit of country ingenuity that squeezes the tree into a manageable bundle. Then back home – quick with the lights and decorations and back to my frienemy mohair. AND it is off the loom – soon to be washed and – hope – hope – softened up. Pics to come . . .