Sock Baby 2
I got Sock Baby 2 threaded yesterday and was excited to begin weaving today. After a few inches I realized that there was a mistake in the color arrangement on the far right motif. Drat! I got that all rearranged and began to weave again when the evil shaft 16 began its shenanigans. Sometimes it’s up sometimes it’s down, but there is no predicting. Because this is a 4-block double weave it is also really hard to see when it skips until you are about an inch beyond it. And so the unweaving begins.
My “vintage” AVL is so problematic for me – it promises so much, but only behaves well when weaving a twill that could be woven on a 4 shaft loom with fewer problems. Any weave structure that isn’t threaded evenly on all shafts (pretty much all interesting structures) are bound to be troublesome. I have had it for a couple of years and keep thinking the problems are part of the learning curve, but it is hard to keep putting warps on it when I know I won’t get a satisfactory result. Boo Hoo – right.