Generosity & Green Gauze
Please take a look at the deflected double weave sample above. It is in bamboo and set at 30 epi. It has a dreamy hand and drape AND it was oh-so-kindly given to me by a fellow ddw lover and weaver Elserine Sprenger from British Columbia. I think it is a beautiful sample, and Elserine makes use of 3 colors in such a delicate, subtle way. Thank you, Elserine!
The Green Gauze Shawl/Scarf is the second of my experiments with a layer of unwoven threads “entubed” by a a double weave gauzy tube. In this case the tube is 20/2 wool in sage and olive greens. The loose threads are 16/2 bamboo in bright yellow and lime green. I am still intrigued by the color interactions as well as the weird, shifty movements of the interior threads. More to come in this vein. Suggestions welcome.