Sample Sample
I cut this sample off a 6-yard warp today. It is a variation that I drafted from a sample I saw on the Proweave site – woven by DINI CAMERON (not Dini Moes as I wrote earlier- thank you Ute Bargmann for correcting my mistake). I am trying to decide whether to weave the blanket with rows of concentric squares or whether to alternate rows of concentric squares with another motif. I am regretting putting the visually complicating vertical stripes of dark green in, and I think that alternating motifs in horizontal rows might create a textile that is too hard to look at.
In other loom news . . . I have been weaving away at the next 4 – 40/2 linen napkins, and my selvedges are much, much better. I changed two elements. I used the Barbara Hurley/Becky Ashendon method of “one small bobbin of linen” at a time. And I changed my weft to 20/1 linen. I will post photos tomorrow when I get them off the loom.