

I couldn’t decide whether the title should be:
and pounds to gain . . .
and orifices to stuff . . .
and carcasses to brine . . .

Needless to say, I am a wee bit of a Holiday – a – phobic these days. I have been an enthusiastic baker, decorator, shopper, wrapper and traveler for holidays since the kids were little. But now that I have hit the 21st holiday-with-kids year since my daughter was born, I want a nationally recognized Holiday Hiatus for the middle-aged. I need about 5 years to adjust to my new holiday-hating-hormone levels. Then I think I could come back full steam. Even a three-year hiatus.

I just read a apropos quote on weavetech posted by Tien Chiu (incredible force in the weaving community . . .) Anyway, she posted a quote that she cherished from the Arizona Desert Museum,
“”If an otter can’t have fun doing something, SHE simply won’t do it.”

What would an otter think of brining a turkey??