Old Dog – New Trick!!
I wove for two days on the clasped weft project, started, stopped, started, stopped, but I couldn’t figure out how to make it look good. So, I cut off what I had woven to wash, iron and assess. I realized that altering between the clasped and non-clasped areas caused a lot of rumpling, and if I wanted to clasp along the twill line I needed to be ultra precise. I started again with those two things in mind and STILL didn’t like what I wove. Finally, I decided that a much heavier weft was needed, so I chose some stash leftovers of dk weight Zephyr and tried again. I think I am warming to this incarnation although it may not be drapey enough for the original shawl intention.
A little trick I discovered in all this sampling (sampling being the “newly rediscovered” trick for this old dog) is that I can put the spools of weft on dowels in the lamp holder holes on the castle of my loom and the thread is in the perfect position to be caught for a clasped weft pick.