Finally Finished
Since all time, energy, brain space, etc has been used for our Guild’s weaving show, my son’s graduation, my looming trip to Germany and pre-preparation for NEWS, this blanket, which I’ve just finished hemming, is what I have spread out over many blog posts. Well, it is a fairly big blanket . . .
In other news, the Weavers of Western MA-sponsored show at Loomis Village was wonderful. With a stellar hanging team of Laurie Autio, Barbara Morse, Kathy Litchfield, and me – not to mention the really wonderful and multi-talented Bill Rice – we got to Loomis village at 7:00 am on Saturday, and got everything hung/draped/placed by 11:00 am. It was a pleasure to hang the show because the weaving was excellent – really, really good company to be in. Kathy Litchfield and Bill Rice set up looms and demonstrated on Saturday and Kathy Furst demonstrated on Sunday. We even had some audience participation – Loris Epps stepped in and created a “neck” using a turtleneck and a swift on which to display a beautiful scarf by Barbara Herbster. The show space was large, nicely proportioned and lit with incandescent (so much nicer for display than florescent). The residents and visitors were extremely enthusiastic and engaged, and they were also thrilled to be able to vote on the pieces.
The pieces that won the jury decision were:
Best in Show was a lace curtain with gorgeous bobbin lace panels by Sister Katherine, Anita Thompson won the Complex Weaver’s Award for a flawlessly woven silk, overshot runner, Georgia Hadley won Best Non-wearable for a richly-colored rya rug and Barbara Morse won Best Wearable for her breath-taking Tallit woven for her daughter (as seen in Handwoven.) These were the Jury selections which win high praise and recognition. There were also (thanks to Tom Beaudet and Braussard Yarns) popular awards for those pieces that got the most votes from the visitors. I am very pleased to say that I won 1st place in the popular vote (YAY!) for my deflected doubleweave coat. I am also very pleased to say that Barbara Morse won 2nd and 3rd place for her Tallit and her incredible Pom Pom scarf (also seen in Handwoven – go Barbara!)
Even though it was a lot of work, I enjoyed the process so much because it involved working side by side, and getting to know such great people. Bill Rice, Laure Autio, Barbara Morse, Kathy Litchfield, Anita Thompson and more. Now to do some exciting shopping at Brassard Yarns . . .http://www.mbrassard.com/