The Story of a Warp
I apologize for being a bad blogger – too many threads in the warp . . . the warp of life is tangled . . . the selvedges are drawing in . . . anyway, I’d appreciate some better weaving metaphors for frazzled.
However, I want to tell you about the above projects because they were fun and trouble free and (in need of ironing- sorry). I set up the loom in a 48 epi doubleweave (10/2 cotton) for a knitting needle holder. I wound a 4-yard warp because I wanted to experiment, and I expected unexpected problems – (see all my other masters projects). I also used the same colors to warp up my inkle loom for a narrow band. I was able to weave off two variations of the holder and still had about 1/2 the warp left. I decided to re-sley and try for a weft-faced project. I re-sleyed at 12 epi (I had to remove two sections of warp – one at each side in order to fit the width of the loom) and wove the above baby blanket in a rep treadling using cotton chenille doubled. I was also weaving the little coordinating inkle bands in the evenings to be used for tool loops at the bottom of the knitting needle holders. Yippee – my all cotton requirement and my weft-faced requirements done!!