Tale of Woe
I think this has been the longest time between blog posts since I started. It is not because I have been away from the loom(s) or because I haven’t wanted to talk about weaving. It is because my (beloved, easy-to-use, well-designed . . .) iWeb failed me. Weep! I wrote a blog entry, and just before I published it, I noticed that several dozen entries had disappeared from my working page. When I went to the published site, they were there. I went back to my working site and a few more entries disappeared. I couldn’t publish my new entry because I was afraid that all the blank pages on my working site would be published and erase the entries that remained on the published site. What to do??? I looked at all the forums and couldn’t find anyone with a similar problem. I called Apple help and was told that for $49.00 I could have telephone support for a month with no guarantee that my problem could be fixed. Arhghhh! So, I have saved the entries as PDFs from the published site, and I am going to take the plunge and publish and see what happens.
Well, that is the sad news on the tech front. On the loom front, the rya blanket is progressing SLOWLY. The pic above is of the underside. I wanted to show how the knots for a pattern on the point of the twill diamond.
I have woven three hand-manipulated-technique (brook’s bouquet & danish medallion) towels in linen or linen and cotton – not one useable for the master requirement, but I am learning – SLOWLY. I haven’t taken picture of the failures – but maybe I will if this attempt to resuscitate the blog works. Interested in seeing the failures??
I have the AVL warped and ready for another summer and winter, but have been completely consumed by the one-two punch of the rya and the towels. I also have about 12 inches of defdw in handspun and bamboo on the baby wolf – again, SLOW seems to be the theme of April.