Convergence for me was a true convergence. I immersed myself in weaving/fiber art in Albuquerque, met some new and old fiber friends (Hi Kim, Hi Carry), but I was also able to visit some destinations I have longed to see my whole life. Pueblos in and around Santa Fe, the Petroglyph National Park, cliff dweller sites in Bandelier National Park, Carlsbad Caverns, not to mention the awe-inspiring landscape all over New Mexico. In addition to these wonders, I celebrated my Grandmother’s 97th birthday, my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary, my niece’s 8th birthday and my cousin’s wedding. Convergence with a capitol C.
I am in the San Antonio airport waiting to return to Massachusetts and my studio – tired and inspired. I learned a lot about sewing with hand-woven fabric (like how I SHOULD have interfaced all the yardage in my coat – arghhhh) and sewing in general. Our instructor was great, but the knowledge of the class members and their willingness to share was also really wonderful.
I think I could have gone crazy in the marketplace, books, books and more books, but luckily I was in class most of the time so I was protected from myself – a really good thing considering that the trip itself was such a budget buster.
my pocketbook is empty, but my heart is full . . .