This last weekend was the third annual get together of my sister, myself and our best friends from middle school who happen to be sisters. This year we gathered at my sister’s beautiful house in Amagansett (kids, pets and dear husbands left to fend for themselves) and had unbelievably great weather. Sounds good right? I had a fantastic time, but I was fretting the whole time about the “Masters Clock” and the coat sample warp I had put on the loom right before I left.
Well, today after some catch-up laundry, cooking and cleaning I wove and fulled about 2 yards of the sample warp. Very interesting. I think I might have a viable coat fabric. It is soft, thick-ish and very stable/fulled. In fact it was hard to find the loose ends that I left when changing weft colors because they had felted to the surface of the cloth. I used 4 different tie-ups, several different treadlings and 4 different weft colors in the samples. I will wait for them to dry to pick my favorites. I have about 2 more yards of sample warp on the loom to re-weave the samples I like the best. I cut these off because I thought I might try re-sleying closer – I was afraid the fabric wouldn’t full enough to be stable – I was wrong.
I am also waiting to hear back from my weaving teacher Chris Hammel about whether the “Wedgewood” sample threading/tie-up/treadling will be acceptable as an “overshot – tromp as writ” requirement. There are some questions about how the 8-shaft overshot is drafted and whether the motif has to be squared, etc.
I am also currently attempting to teach myself my Mac version of PowerPoint for my Deflected Doubleweave Workshop. I am learning and creating the workshop structure at the same time – hope it works. . .
p.s. I was studying the Hand Woven School for Weavers article on deflected doubleweave and noticed that “doubleweave” is always written as one word – although spell check does not like it. From now on I will spell it “doubleweave” and occasionally abbreviate deflected doubleweave as “defdw” for the sake of brevity.