It Begins
The New Year, the New Decade has begun. We rang it in spectacularly with an Indian feast prepared by chef extraordinaire David Rosengarten and hosted by the beautiful and talented Tara Hobby. The best gin and tonics known to man were ENJOYED BY ALL. We assisted by manning the “tandor” in the snow and eating ourselves silly.
So with a memorable “ringing in” I have to get serious and think of my goals for the New Year. I will stick to weaving goals because it would take pages to list family goals, house goals, de-fatting goals, etc. (although I read one weaver’s resolution of only buying yarn when the equivalent amount of weight had been lost – all I can say is that I would have to start weaving in miniature or giving yarn back if this year has been any indication)
My weaving goals are as follows:
1. be more adventurous and experimental – stop focusing so much on product.
2. be more productive (contradiction? maybe.) Find ways to increase efficiency.
3. read more – use the vast wisdom of my fore-weavers.
4. be nice (not really a weaving goal, but can be applied across the board)
Happy and Peaceful New Year.