
Pajama Day

I woke up literally listing to the left, was sick and have been feeling very strange all day. My brother and his family were here, and I managed to feed everyone and with the help of darlings Hardy and Matt keep chaos at bay. We had to cancel a visit from Matt’s parents – worrying about what the heck this is and if it is contagious. Anyway, once again I didn’t manage to get into the studio where I was planning on finishing Valentine. (tired of excuses? ME TOO) I sure hope this “listing disorder” has nothing to do with the “wild “ meat I prepared for dinner yesterday. No one else seems to be getting sick – so let’s hope it is just a passing weird virus. More weaving tomorrow – hell or high water.

“We work in the dark, we do what we can – we give what we have. Our
doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest is the
madness of art.”
- Henry James; The Middle Years