Future Weavers
[gallery link="file" columns="2" orderby="title"] I was determined to finish Sheepy Wool 2 today, but it took longer to “weave off” the remainder of the Valentine warp then I thought. I did get two pretty great looking samples or pillow tops from
Back to the Studio
Hemmed Valentine today and added “Snoots” (a term coined by my niece Haley for tassels that I had sewn to her baby blanket. She loved to brush them on her nose while sucking her thumb - many years ago -
[gallery link="file" order="DESC" orderby="title"] Valentine is done (just needs to be hemmed), the 10th anniversary party committee work is done (for my son’s former school), Christmas is done and I can take a deep breath and go back to the studio.
Pajama Day
I woke up literally listing to the left, was sick and have been feeling very strange all day. My brother and his family were here, and I managed to feed everyone and with the help of darlings Hardy and Matt
Happy Boxing Day
[gallery link="file" order="DESC" orderby="title"] So I skipped a Christmas Day entry - but it was a lovely, low-key day (and I even got some weaving in). Every time I checked today and yesterday all kids and dog were in a knot
Christmas Eve
[gallery link="file" order="DESC" orderby="title"] Despite a nasty fall on the ice followed by a shameful expletive that echoed through the cold, still, Christmas Eve morning, I managed to work in the studio for most of the day (dressing the loom for
Let It Snow
I had a great day at Hill today. I have to say that Wednesday Weavers are a great bunch to “pot luck” with. We had accordion music, great food, great company - only two complaints (a record of restraint for
I toyed with the idea of skipping my blog entry tonight rather than confess that I didn’t get one thread woven today - I didn’t even get into the studio except to grab some tape and scissors - sigh! I
Cookie Factory Day 2
[gallery link="file" order="DESC"] Went to see the wee one in an all-school sing-a-long this morning. Even though it was in the school gym, bad acoustics, crowded, hot . . . it brought a tear and renewed my sadly thin holiday spirit.
Cookie Factory Day 1
I baked cookies from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm when we had a neighborhood party to attend. Then from 7:00 ‘til 9:00 I was back at the ovens. Tomorrow will probably be the same - it would be fun and
Not one minute in the studio today - arghhh! The holiday season brought flu shots, largely unsuccessful/crowded/expensive present shopping, grocery store, pantry re-organization. And now when I should head out to finish weaving Sheepy Wool or dressing the loom for
Sheepy Wool 2 and Valentine Blanket
[gallery link="file" order="DESC"] Today, another gorgeous blue-sky, super cold day was spent working on Sheepy Wool 2 and winding and beaming a warp for the Valentine baby blanket. Sheepy wool 2 is something of a grind because I don’t like weaving