Today was my son’s “End of Mod” Art Show. I couldn’t go to see it so my husband took my camera to get some picts. I couldn’t then document my INCREDIBLE progress on getting the sock baby blanket on the loom so I put one of my son’s collages on instead.
As I was inside the loom counting heddles (a motley assortment of flat steel. inserted eye, some color coded some not) I was thinking of the wonderfully orderly “heddle management” technique outlined by Mary Black in her book and followed meticulously by my teacher Chris Hammel. The technique involves pre-counting heddles and marking every 25 or 50 with nail polish, etc. I was sitting counting heddles and thinking longingly of straight, uniform heddles in pre-counted units, all the same color and I thought I am going to make “heddle management” a goal and then I thought, “Nah.”