Taxonomy – Tax on Me Nerves!
I have an exciting project on the loom. It is a 20/2 wool dimity in three shades of brown. Having learned a lesson with the black dimity skirt, i.e. make sure to enjoy the rich texture yourself because if it
Weave Free or Die • Madelyn van der Hoogt DDW Workshop in NH
I just spent a fantastic three days in Concord, New Hampshire taking a deflected double weave workshop with the illustrious Madelyn van der Hoogt. The workshop was a great experience across the board. It was in downtown Concord, NH (near
The Smooth and the Wrinkled
I got a 6-yard warp off the loom today. It was a mix of 10/2 hemp in natural and white with a end of 10/2 linen every 8th thread. It was threaded in an 8-shaft straight draw, and I ended
The Raddler, the Waffler or Spore?
Skirting the Issues
I have been intending to make myself some clothes using hand-woven fabric for a while, but a couple of issues have stalled me. One was my disappointment in my ability to fit myself when I made my coat (it is