Alone with my looms!
Life keeps throwing wrenches in my weaving! My mother-in-law has been in the hospital/now rehab for close to a month entailing many trips back and forth to Boston (she is getting much better – whew). My husband has come down with some super-nasty stomach flu – which entails many trips up and down stairs. The weather is LOVELY – which entails many trips outside on walks, and there seem to be quite a few very interesting blogs/news stories/emails which entail many cups of coffee at the computer. My WIPs are getting dusty!
The experiment on the left is a tencel and raw silk scarf (spring stash buster) in which I am trying a little color & weave with deflected double weave. I am interested to see how it washes. The warp on the right will be tied onto the bright green and turquoise blanket warp that I finished recently on the AVL. Again, I want to see some finished items, so life better leave me alone with my looms!