Metaweave Towels in Summer & Winter Weave

These 8-shaft Summer & Winter towels are woven in 2 weights of cottolin. They were designed for a tied-weaves study group I belong to. Once again, there is a lot of room to play with color selection and treadling variations. I have provided 4 treadling variation in the pattern with computer mock ups to help you visualize. If you are a plain weave fan like I am, this pattern will make you happy . . . plain weave graphic woven in summer & winter weave – meta!

Pattern available on Etsy.
















  • January 3, 2021


    Hi; Just went to purchase this download on Etsy and it says it sold out? Will there be more available soon? Thanks!

  • April 11, 2022

    Sheryl Smith

    I also wanted to purchase this pattern on Etsy. It was listed as sold out.

  • April 17, 2022


    I, too, just went to Etsy to purchase some patterns and it says you are taking a break. Hope everything is okay.

  • December 30, 2022


    I also want to purchase the pattern but it is listed as sold out.

  • March 10, 2023

    Karen Sieradski

    Hello, I hope you can tell me what I’m doing wrong. I wound five yards of 504 ends, as instructed for the Metaweave Towels. To determine how many heddles I needed on each shaft, I looked at the threading draft, on page 3 of the pattern. Adding them all up, including the repeats, the total number came to 1,536. On shaft 4 alone, the number is 400. Out of 504 total ends. My brain has frozen. Please help.

  • June 26, 2024

    Marilyn Robert

    I am trying to get the pattern for the Mosaik Towels, but cannot figure out how. I have tried through Etsy. Help.

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