Live and Let Dye
[gallery link="file"] I realize that the above is not a lovely photo array, but it is meant to visually describe the process of “knitting to dye for”. A. The knit blank (washed in synthrapol/soaked in vinegar water) is pinned flat on some
I’m (Not) Ready for My Close-up Mr. DeMille
Here is the promised How-to Movie for deflected doubleweave selvedges. I have been trying to master iMovie, but I ended up having to decide between an edited version with abrupt jumps and weird pauses or this somewhat long-winded, unedited version.
Mum Mum
[gallery link="file"] Sorry I have been so blog mum. I have been thinking about why it has been so hard to write. It could be a couple of reasons. One might be that all my children have been away for the
[gallery link="file"] Sorry for the neglect, but I have been working on a couple of things intermittently while trying to meet the summer-y requirements of kids/dogs/gardens, etc. I am very excited by the arrival of my knitting machine, and have knitted