I am available to teach workshops at your guild, conference or school. Some sample workshops are described below to give you an idea of the scope/size of my typical workshops, but please contact me using the form below to discuss a custom workshop for your own guild.
Sample Workshops
Feeling hemmed in by the ho hum of parallels and perpendiculars. Join me in an adventure out of the straight and narrow!
In a on-loom, round-robin format we will weave multiple samples in structures that allow the warp and weft to shift and move, creating a dizzying array of curves, undulations and textures. We will discuss techniques and tips for weaving these structures, do drafting exercises and examine many fabric samples.
- Length of Class: 2-3 days.
- Ability Level: Students must be able to warp their looms/read a weaving draft.
- Maximum Class Size: 15
- Students must bring: Notebook, pencil/paper, 2 shuttles, 4 bobbins, and miscellaneous weaving supplies such as scissors, tapestry needle, measuring tape, etc.
- Instructor will provide: Warps, weft yarns, full warping instructions, instructional handouts and drafting paper,
- Instructor will bring: Samples, projector, bobbin winders and misc. supplies.
- Room Equipment: Tables for samples and winding bobbins, table for projector, screen.
Mystery Weave, Deflected Double Weave, Cell Weave – it has as many names as it does possibilities.
In this workshop we explore the dramatic possibilities of deflected double weave. Participants, working on their own looms and with distinct drafts will weave a sampler as a design tool and then use it to design their own scarf.
fast-paced and jam-packed. Participants are mailed warps and full instructions for dressing, they arrive with looms and proceed to weave the sampler. We will stop intermittently for drafting sessions, slide presentations, and demos. Participants will learn how to use the samplers as design tools for weaving their scarves. They will not have time to complete their scarves in class, but will take their looms home to finish weaving.
a little slower paced with more drafting sessions – participants are mailed warps and full instructions for dressing, they arrive with looms and proceed to weave the sampler, and learn through drafting sessions/powerpoint, and myriad samples how to use the Deflected Doubleweave structure. Participants may have time to complete their scarves in class, but should expect to finish weaving at home.
participants choose from among 21 pre-wound warps and dress looms in class.
- Length of Class: 2, 3, 4 or 5-day
- Ability Level: Able to warp a loom, change tie-up and follow a draft
- Maximum Class Size: 12-15
- Student Must Bring: An 8-shaft loom, 2 shuttles, 4 bobbins, notebook/pen, scissors, tapestry needle, measuring tape. I will provide warps with full instructions, but the students must be able to dress their looms well and independently.
- Instructor Will Provide: A 6-yard warp for each student with a detailed draft and set of instructions for warping, coordinating weft material and detailed handouts. I will also bring a digital projector and many woven samples.
- Room Equipment: Three tables. Chairs for students. Outlets for computer, projector and bobbin winder.
Have you ever wanted to wrap yourself in an adult-size, handwoven throw, but your loom width seems more doll-size?
In this workshop we will explore how to stretch your loom’s capacity using double wide double weave.
- Length of Class: 3 days.
- Ability Level: Students must be able to warp their looms/read a weaving draft.
- Maximum Class Size: 12
- Students must bring: Well-dressed looms, appropriate weft yarns, shuttle and bobbins, weaving kit (scissors, measuring tape, weights, tapestry needle, etc.), notebook, pen and a good attitude!
- Instructor will provide: 6 weeks before the conference I will contact participants and work with them individually to come up with designs and color choices for their throws. I will then send them full warp winding and dressing instructions and give them the opportunity to buy their supplies through my wholesale accounts. In class they will receive additional instructional handouts and drafting sheets.
- Instructor will bring: Samples, projector, bobbin winders and misc. supplies.
- Room Equipment: Tables for samples and winding bobbins, table for projector, screen.